New approaches Great Hall


A beginning_ expanded version

Aurora Bauzà / Pere Jou



October, 12

8 p.m.


50 minutes


English, Latin, Romanian


Between 8 and 20 euros

Recommended age

From 12 years

beginning_ expanded version is the story of a beginning after an ending. An intuition about an uncertain future, an invitation to a realm of imagination. ​Combining musical composition and choreographic design, Bauzà and Jou present a theatrical piece in which live singing and lights manipulated by the performers themselves play a central role in constructing a dramaturgical narrative about the (re)beginning of the world.​

In darkness, the performers explore the relationship between their voice, light and movement, transforming our perception to the point where notions of space and time are suspended and the boundaries between bodies dissolve. The spectator is immersed in an immersive and sensory experience where the bodies and voices of the five singers constantly transform and converge into a unified collective body, inviting us to imagine new ways of communicating, being, and relating in society.

beginning_ expanded version transforms the stage into a realm of imagination, reflecting a future where humans have discovered new forms of survival. 

As a result of the artistic collaboration between Bauzà and Jou, the Festival Grec and the Teatre Principal de Palma, the piece will feature the extraordinary participation of membres from the Teatre Principal de Palma Youth Choir, who will be added to the original cast of performers. 

A coproduction of the Auditori de Barcelona, the Centre Coregraphique National d'Orleans (France) and the Teatre Principal de Palma. With the support of the Institut d'Estudis Baleàrics, Festival Grec, Graner Fàbrica de Creació, Nau Estruch, Associació Hèmisphère Son, Castell de Montjuïc and CC Barceloneta

Creation and direction
Aurora Bauzà & Pere Jou

Elena Tarrats, Maider Lasa, Isaac Baró, Diana Pop, Pere Jou, Youth Choir of the Teatre Principal members: Júlia Bermejo, Ada Ruiz, Adrián Sánchez, Carla Vázquez, Qori Amaru Yarasca

Music and sound

Aurora Bauzà

Pere Jou

Jou Serra, Marieta Rojo

Mariona Signes

Playwriting and choreographic partnership
Alessandro Sciarroni

Movement assistance
Claudia SolWat

Anna Fàbrega

Ignasi Castañé

Production and support
Ariadna Miquel

Cube peak, Africa Sabé, Iguzzini

An Auditori, Center Coregraphique National d'Orleans (France) and Teatre Principal de Palma co-production. With the support of the Institut d'Estudis Baleàrics, Festival Grec, Graner Fàbrica de Creació Nau Estruch, Hèmisphère Son, Castell de Montjuïc and CC Barceloneta Hèmisphère Son, Castell de Montjuïc and CC Barceloneta

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